#How boy (really) gets the girl

Love, and the advantages of being ordinary

In the real world, love occurs for the simplest

The reason, that it is very desperate to happen,

and because it cannot wait it tends to reward not the extraordinary but the available. An exceptional quality of the ordinary is that it is ubiquitous. Like in a Hindi film, a guy in the right place at the right time has a better chance than the invisible prophesied genius titan. The regular guy is in the right place at the right time because he is up and about most time even as his formidable competition is hidden in solitary confinement working long hours on heroic dreams. He is most often not the brilliant coder or artist or scientist or athlete and does not have to spend a colossal amount of time nurturing his gifts. And he probably exhibits signs of appealing goodness because as an ordinary person. he, rightly, believes he needs the backing of people, so he has a natural tendency to reach out.

As Eartha Kitt sang: Doesn't have to be prince or movie star/ A Texas oilman or a French marquis/Doesn't have to be handsome as a picture/An ordinary guy's all right with me.

The exceptional young men, meanwhile, however attractive their talents might be, may not be as agreeable as the ordinary. Or they might be too proud to make the first move, or too scared of the shame of rejection.

#A Philosophical take

(Previous Part - 2)

(Previous Part - 1)